The Catskills / Full Moon Resort- a summer getaway

by charles
The Catskills
The Catskills
Full Moon Resort- The Catskills

The Catskills and the Full Moon Resort- a possible summer classic.

Last month I went to The Catskills for a wedding.  It was a refreshing reminder of how it can be such an awesome weekend getaway. Usually during the summer I go to the Hamptons. I love to visit the restaurants, shops, bars and the beaches. It makes for a classic summer weekend, but the Catskills offer a different type of weekend that can be a classic too.

Things I surprisingly liked

While being in the Catskills I had no cellphone service (except for the occasional WiFi). At first I thought that it would be a horrible thing, but it wasn’t. These days we are always connected to our cellphones. Some of us constantly feel the urge to check text, email, Instagram and more. We can forget how to properly detach and enjoy the moment. It was revitalizing to once more just sit by the fire and talk. It reestablished connection with the moment and the people around me. Another thing that I liked was that there were no public bars in the area we were staying. Like the cellphone situation, this created the opportunity to spend time with the people around you.

Things I did not like

The bugs. There were a lot of bugs. That might not annoy people, but they seem to really like biting me. Not that big of a deal though.

The Full Moon Resort

The Full Moon Resort is a beautiful and simple gem in the Big Indian area. Everyone stays in cabins on their property or just outside (depends on the size of your party). There is also an option for camping tents. I regret not staying in one, they are pretty awesome.

The event spaces were beautiful and spacious. There is places to play billiards, a barn where you can do yoga and a pool. The food I had at their barn was amazing. They had this delicious pulled pork and jalapeno cornbread- strongly recommend it.

The only downside I can think is it was surprisingly more expensive than I expected. So if you are on a budget, I strongly recommend the tents. Also, my cabin was a little far from the main property and I had to drive to get there. All in, this was a very nice experience and beautiful place to stay. 

As always please remember to check out my instagram. Also, if you have not done so yet- please take a look at my shop page for some fine art I have on sale. These photographs and digital drawings are from very respected artist.

Check out my instagram for more!


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