This delicious tea from Trader Joe’s- is one of my go-to in the morning

by charles

When I go to trader Joe’s there are some items on my list that I can’t leave the store without. The Organic Pomegranate White Tea is definitely on that checklist. Not only is this a very delicious tea, but it also has so many health benefits. Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, helps with digestion and acts as an anti-inflammatory. In addition, pomegranate also helps fight heart disease, lowers blood pressure, prevent illness/ fight infection and helps with sports recovery. White tea contains many of the same properties. It is high in antioxidants, helps burn fat, protects teeth from bacteria and much more.

I usually like to have this delicious tea in the morning to replace a warm cup of coffee. Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit tired and need a mid day pick-me-up I’ll drink it for the slight white tea caffeine boost. You can find it at your local Trader Joe’s store and I think you should definitely give it a shot.

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